Questions similar to these are asked by many people every day being common. In this blog we will explain step by step what you should do.

It is very surprising that your parked car was damaged when you were not there, it is terribly, desperate and stressful, having certain auto insurance coverage can help prevent a bad situation from escalating and adequate information on what you should do in that moment.
In two easy steps, what should I do?

In the event that your car is parked or in a parking area and you find it in a crash and the person has fled, the first thing you should do is take as many photos of the crash as possible and immediately call the police. The police will arrive at the site to investigate and make the proper report of the accident and investigation.

Once you have your incident report, you should notify your insurance agent to start the claims process, as your auto insurance can help cover damage to your vehicle if your policy includes coverage for a crash or collision .
NOTE: We recommend that if it is a parking lot with cameras, you can tell the police to evidence any information that can be useful to you later in the accident investigation.

How do I know if my Auto Insurance will pay the for the damage if someone else crashed with my car parking?
With your insurance agent verify the coverage of your policy, your car insurance can also help with the costs of repairing the damage to your parked car, remember the amount of your insurance deductible. The coverage that generally covers this type of collision without your responsibility is the collision coverage. Usually this car insurance helps you with partial payment for the repair regardless of whether you were not at fault, even if the police were unable to investigate or find the other driver, you can file a claim for collision coverage from your own insurance policy of car.

IMPORTANT: In case the driver does not have auto insurance or does not have enough coverage to pay for the damage, you would be covered by insurance, however, you need to make sure you have collision coverage included. Your coverage will also be subject to your policy limits , which is the maximum amount your insurance will pay for a covered claim.